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Register Of Marriage: Documents You Need To Prepare If You Are Non Muslim From Sabah

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

Getting married is a big deal in your life. Now that you have set the date and you two are super excited about getting married, learning the documents needed before going to your registration of marriage is important. For you who are residing in Kota Kinabalu, or one of you are, registering your marriage certificate should be done at the 4th floor of Sabah Federal Government Administrative Complex

You can get this form through the link here. This form is also provided by the officer during your day of registration of marriage at the JPN office.

2. Passport Photo

Tips to get passport photo done in one day using your phone: take your own photo and e-mail it to local photoshop for them to get them print it out for you. With this you need not to wait at the shop for it to get ready 🙂 Check out Fotobest Digital (Inanam&Suria Sabah) branch for this service.


3. Mykad

Remember remember remember to bring along a copy and original copy of your Mykad.

4. Engagement Letter

For native Sabahan with engagement letter officiated by ketua kampung, a copy of this letter will be required by the officer to process your registration of marriage. 

To learn more about registration of marriage procedure for non-muslim Sabahan, click here.


Planning for a wedding?

We hope this post can help you planning your wedding. For more wedding tips like this, visit The Bridal Helpline.

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